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Treating People, Not Just Teeth

Prescott Dental Arts is NOT a Prescott dental office dedicated to patching holes in teeth. Our goal is to eliminate the problem, not the symptoms of the problem.

Studies show the dental health is connected to our overall health with connections to heart attack, pre-term low birth-weight infants, and diabetes. Comprehensive care is our focus, where achieving the goal of a healthy mouth most often requires individual assessment and individual goal setting to stop progression of oral diseases.

Prescott Dental Arts practices CAMBRA, Caries Management By Risk Assessment, which is a methodology that has evolved from traditional dentistry where the focus has been on patching holes in teeth. Your dentists in Prescott AZ give quality time to evaluate your risk for dental decay, educate, and provide the best products available to stop the decay process as we bring your mouth to full health. A simple car analogy, we make it our top priority to “remove any nails in the road”, not just “patch holes in the tire.”

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