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Is Keeping Mouth Clean Important?

Dr. Herbert David DDS with a patient, keeping your mouth clean with dentist Prescott AZ

Why is keeping your mouth clean important?  There are several reasons why keeping one’s teeth, gums and even the tongue clean is extremely important. The mouth is a place where bacteria love to grow and produce. Because the mouth is a warm and wet environment it is the perfect place for bacteria to thrive. 

When bacteria is left untreated in the mouth, the teeth, gums and bone can be severely damaged. This can also lead to infection, inflammation and systemic disease. This is why it’s important to keep the mouth clean through good oral hygiene and regular dental cleanings and checkups. Neglecting the health of your mouth can not only lead to an unattractive smile but also to serious dental health problems.

When we were younger we hated the constant nagging from our parents to brush our teeth. That frustration continued as they reminded us also to floss daily. As a child, we may not have realized the importance of healthy teeth and gums. As we age and suffer through the consequences of neglecting our oral health, we realize how important caring for our teeth is. 

When we don’t brush and floss daily and see your dentist for regular cleanings and checkups, plaque begins to build up on our teeth. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that if left turns into tartar. Tartar is hard calcium deposits that attach to the teeth like barnacles on a boat. Tartar begins to eat away at the enamel and cause holes in the tooth. This is what is referred to as a cavity. Fortunately, if a cavity is diagnosed early, the dentist can fill it before it spreads and damages the tooth beyond repair. Although cavities can be harmful to the teeth they aren’t the only problems that can occur when a person neglects their oral hygiene. Bad oral hygiene can also lead to gum disease, which can cause more damage. When bacteria in plaque is left in the mouth the gums can become inflamed. This can cause swelling and bleeding. This condition is referred to as gingivitis. In the early stages, gingivitis can be reversed with thorough brushing, flossing and a professional cleaning. If gingivitis is left untreated it can eventually lead to deep pockets forming between the teeth and gums. This condition is called gum disease or periodontal disease. When a person has periodontal disease the bacteria that sits in the deep pockets cannot be removed with regular brushing and flossing. The bacteria, if not professionally removed, will begin to eat away at the ligaments that connect the teeth to the bone, and eventually, the bone itself. This will begin to cause the gums to recede, the teeth to become loose and in severe cases, will be lost. 

Once a person is diagnosed as having periodontal disease or gum disease, deep cleaning is required to treat the disease. Not only it is important to treat periodontal disease to prevent further damage to the teeth and gums, it’s also important for a person’s overall health. 

Over the past several years research has shown a connection between poor oral hygiene and cardiovascular disease, stroke, diabetes, inflammation in the body and possible problems during pregnancy. When there is an infection in the mouth it has the potential to spread to other parts of the body. Infection in any part of the body is extremely dangerous. This is why it’s so important to treat periodontal disease before the infection has a chance to spread and cause more health problems. It is clear that what goes on in our mouths can affect the rest of our bodies and our health. 

This is why at Prescott Dental Arts we stress to all our patients the importance of good oral hygiene. Our professional team in Prescott Arizona works with all our patients to show them the proper way to care for their teeth and gums. We also make sure they know the importance of making and keeping routine dental cleanings and checkups. Contact our office today to schedule an appointment. Call us at (928) 445-8980

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